Mister Rogers is pretty much the best. And he has written some amazing songs. One of those is “It’s You I Like”, which he performed throughout the years on his show. (Even Tony Bennett showed up to do a version! Check it out here.)
It was fun creating a version of this earnest, heart-felt song along with Katie and our newest band member Henrietta Pussycat.
About Fred Rogers’ Songwriting
In the book The World According to Mister Rogers, there is a story about a hopeful Fred taking five songs to a famous composer, and then being told to come back after he’d written a barrelful of songs. Reminiscing on that story, Fred wrote, “What he knew was that if I really wanted to be a songwriter, I’d have to write songs, not just think about the five I had written. And so, after the initial disappointment, I got to work; and through the years, one by one, I have written a barrelful.
Fred Rogers Center
In fact, the barrel’s overflowing now, and I can tell you, the more I wrote, the better the songs became, and the more those songs expressed what was real within me.” That must be why “It’s You I Like” was one of Fred’s favorites. It expresses in words his philosophy on love and caring that he demonstrated on Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood.